May 2014
ILA BERLIM AIRSHOW, took place in Berlin ExpoCenter from 20-25 May to show the latest cutting edge aerospacial products and technologies developed worldwide. Gathering together over 1,200 aerospacial industry exhibitors, from Commercial aviation to Spacial sector and Unmanned Aerial Systems, ILA received more than 200,000 visitors from all professional backgrounds.
UAVision took th eopportunity to present its newest quadcopter UX-SPYRO and its versatile capability for R&D, operation and engeneering production.

SPAIN: Government approves rules for drones operation
July 2014
Regulamentation for operation with UAVs is taking the first steps and taking place in European context.
The spanish Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor, has introduced new measures to improve the competitiveness and security, including the boosting economic activity through new technologies and specially drones.

June 2014

UAVISION offers tax benefits to customers
April 2014
Investment in R&D activities is increasingly an important factor in entrepise competitiveness and relevant pillar in UAVision history.
SIFIDE II 2013/15, System of tax incentives for research and business development II, recognized UAVision, in Diário da República, Despacho No. 628/2013*, as a qualify R&D entreprise in the areas of analysis of internal image for axial tomography computed, Industrial Development , technology transfer and dissemination of knowledge gained in scientific research for the benefit of the portuguese industry.
The SIFIDE provides a tax incentive when companies invest in research and development, providing a set of eligible expenses for IRC (tax over entreprises income) deduction, including those relating to R&D activities, to entities whose suitability for research and development is officially recognized, as is the case of UAVision.
*Despacho nº 628/2013, no Diário da República, 2ª série – Nº 7, de 10 de Janeiro.

March 2014
UAVision now presents an integrated solution for machining a 5 (or more) axis for large parts based on robot arms. This solution adapts to various construction applications of composite molds and complex pieces in different materials such as polystyrene, sikablok, cork or stone pieces.UAVision market philosophy is based on the offer of tailored made integrated engineering solutions, in the areas of electronics, mechanics, composites solutions and computer science, following the process from project design development, production to final testing.
Investing in close collaboration with universities and research centers, UAVision keeps up to new technologies and market demands. The department of R&D is therefore a key element in the company growth. It offers a multidisciplinary and specialized team and technological resources as CADCAM ( SolidWorks ; SURFCAM , IRBCAM ), image processing algorithms ; Robot Machining 5 -axis ABB ; Robot CNC 3 axis to produce prototypes and parts in series ; Printer 3D ; assembly line Printed Circuit Boards ( PCB), stencil printer , pick & place and vapor phase to produce high quality PCB oven.
With extensive experience in automation projects, image processing algorithms and robotic projects, UAVision is in the birth of new technological solutions.

March 2014
The SPARTAN project (SPAce exploration Research for Throttleable Advanced eNgine), funded under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), aims at developing and testing a new hybrid engine for precision planetary landing.
GMV and UAVision conducted the first tests, in Portugal.

Minister of Defense visits UAVision
October 2013
UAVision received the visit of Minister of National Defense, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco. The visit included a company history presentation, research and development departament and production lines.
October 2013
UAVISION has just launched UX-SPYRO, the brand new multirotor series that opens a new cycle in aerodynamics, flight stability, payload capability and flight time.
UX-SPYRO is one of the most sophisticated and advanced ground-controlled aircraft used for unmanned aerial missions that is currently on the market. Not only it easily merges with the operational scenario as it’s capable of sustaining high winds and adverse weather with low noise operation.
SPYRO has been developed for advanced missions with high demands in payload and flight stability, such as surveillance, defense, search and rescue, forest/agricultural monitoring or media and broadcast.
@António Lopes
UAVISION: Portuguese Technology explored in the Marketeer Magazine of June 2014.
Other News

BRASIL: Training session with Universidade Federal do Amazonas
December 2014
UAVision technical team has been in Brasil, Manaus, giving training to future UX-SPYRO pilots.
Federal University of Amazonas has several on going Amazonia monitoring projects, and UAV´s represent the perfect tool for more efficiency and precision.
Along with UX-SPYRO training, experiences were exchanged, UAVision made a demonstration for the UFAM academic community, and participated in a Project presentation.
UFAM acquired UX-SPYRO to work in operation fields such as, biomass measurement, illegal logging control, natural reserve monitoring, among others.